Monday, August 23, 2010

Allergy Season


Surprised I'm back so soon? Eh, what can I say, I'm crazy unpredictable like that. I guess I'm just in the mood to talk about things (naturally pop-culture things) that confuse, bore, or just plain bug me. Read on if ya like.

Enjoy (btw these aren't in any particular order):

1.) Mad Men

Why?? Why, oh, Why do people love this bore-fest so much?? I've tried watching it twice now. Both times, I literally fell asleep. I know my opinion might come off as shallow (especially considering the myriad awards this show has received) but has anyone below 40 actually made it past a single episode? Food for thought...Oh and if you were wondering how boring Mad Men actually is, see that picture above? That's just about as exciting as it gets.

2.) Matthew Broderick

If over-acting was a crime, Broderick would be Cell Block D's bitch by now...eehh...a guy can dream, right?...His repertoire of standout crapfests includes: Deck the Halls, Inspector Gadget, and pretty much any public appearance he's ever made. And to think that I adore his lovely wife...Sarah Jessica, wtf were you thinking???

Okay, I'm going to get lynched for this one...(Remember: this list is based solely on my personal opinion...)

3.) Beyoncé

Before you pop a glock in my mouth and make a brain slushie (holla at Jessi Slaughter), hear me out. First off, Beyoncé is not the diva queen. That title is reserved for GaGa. If not Madge. Secondly, I was never a fan of the old B...I was always loyal to the lovely Kelly Rowland who, in my opinion, has the best voice of the original trio (check out her awesome new single below). Add to that the fact that she has a big ego, she's married to Jay-Z, she can't dance to save her life, and oh yeah, her music blows.

4.) David Letterman

The worst late night talk-show host. Ever. Combining humorless jokes with not-so-subtle cynicism and one heck of a creepy laugh, Letterman is the Mr. Herbert of late night. I mean, c'mon, I can't be the only one that gets a pervy vibe from this dude, right?

5.) The LOST Finale

Ugh, where do I even start?? I watch a lot of television (some might even say that's an understatement) but I have never fallen in love with a show the way I did with LOST. That is, until the mind-numbingly flawed finale. After sticking with the survivors of Oceanic 815 for 6 years, I was indeed expecting a payoff in the form of some goddamn answers! And [SPOILER ALERT] I was sadly disappointed. Sure the acting was phenomenal (Matthew Fox, I salute you) but was it enough to save the finale from a cheese overdose and a blatant writing cop-out? Nope.

6.) Laugh Tracks

I know this doesn't really count as pop-culture but I seriously can't help it. Laugh tracks are the bane of my existence. I honestly don't get them. Why would anyone want to be told when to laugh?? And it drives me crazy when the laugh track plays and there is absolutely nothing worth laughing about...

Consider this: does The Big Bang Theory really need laugh tracks to be hilarious? If you ask me, I'd say that those goofy nerds would be better off without the contrived giggles of robotic people. But hey, that's just my opinion.

7.) Howie Mandel

How is this guy famous? Have you ever noticed how every time he says something "supportive" and "nice" to one of the contestants on AGT, he has to immediately supplement said flattery with condescending drivel? And on top of that, the dude thinks he's funny and knows comedy.

Want to actually laugh? Check out the video below (skip around to 3:00 if you don't want to see the creepy act) and witness how Howie's comedy career could take off.

8.) The Cancellation of Good TV Programs

I know, I know, good tv shows have been getting prematurely euthanized for years (*cough cough* Arrested Development!). But something just doesn't seem right in a world where shows like Bones get to outlive 24 (R.I.P. Jack Bauer) Other honorable cancellations include Dollhouse and the clever Party Down.

9.) Shitty Best Picture Winners

What the eff is up with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences lately? First they let Slumdog Millionaire (a hugely overrated and clichéd piece of Hollywood fluff) win over Benjamin Frickin' Button. Then they have the audacity to give the night's most prestigious award to what is the most financially unsuccessful winner of all time (for good reason as The Hurt Locker is a crapfest of epic proportions)?? It seems as though some people need to get off the Kool-Aid and vote for the real winners. Oh, and in case you didn't get it, the cookie-cutter picture above is a metaphor. Oh, yeah.

10.) Jerry Seinfeld

Remember how I said that this list was in no particular order? I lied. At least for this part. Jerry Seinfeld takes the cake because he simultaneously confuses, bores, and annoys me. From the beginning, Seinfeld has come off as an obnoxious and talentless hack. I'm sorry but Seinfeld is the single most overrated show of all about not funny. To follow such a vapid show with even more pathetic projects is just...well, pathetic (I'm looking at you Bee Movie and the Marriage Ref). And on top of that, he dissed GaGa in an obvious attempt to get back in the spotlight. Sorry Jerry, but you make me gag.

Haha, hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave me some love!

Hasta la Bye-Bye,

The Guy in the (Not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue

. . . . .


It's been a while. Don't judge. As many of my friends can attest to, I'm rather prone to "temporal blackouts". Which they would also say is a clever way of saying laziness. You pick. I don't care.

Now that I've returned, I plan on posting a few more times at least until school starts again. Luckily for you pop-culture-lovers out there, lots of my summer vacation involved movies, television, music, and anything in between.

Therefore, I'd like to dedicate this first "new" post to my new favorite show. This summer, I affirmed my love for the Doctor. Who is the Doctor, you may ask? Well, I think Charlie McDonald AKA charlieissocoollike (who, coincidentally, happens to be one of my favorite Youtubers) clearly explains the awesomeness of the Doctor in the video below:

Originally, I started watching Doctor Who in its third Series and accordingly, I became partial to the magnificent David Tennant and Freema Agyeman (who was apparently hated when she first took over as the Doctor's companion). This summer, however, I went back and watched the first and second series (since the 2005 return of the show) and realized why people were so apprehensive towards Agyeman. She had the difficult task of replacing the gorgeous Billie Piper (who, after watching all of the post-return episodes, has definitely become my favorite companion). Tenant and Piper can be seen below:

Earlier this year marked the arrival of Matt Smith as the new Doctor. I, myself, had serious doubts about the man who was to replace the best Doctor ever (according to me as well as any self-respecting Dalek-fearing Whovian). Fortunately, Matt Smith did a great job as the new Doctor (though nowhere near the greatness of Tenant) and delivered a solid series.

Smith, however, had the misfortune of having to deal with a fantastic scene-stealer in the form of Karen Gillan whose performance as the lovable and utterly charming Amy Pond stood out as the best thing about the fifth Series. Amy Pond is, personally, the closest a Doctor Who companion has come to perfection since Piper's Rose.

But enough about Doctor Who. I've obviously been plugging the show this entire time. But, its for good reason. Not only does DW deliver clever sci-fi adventures, it combines such adventures with lots of heart, great acting, and fantastic storytelling. But don't just take my word for it. Check it out for yourself! :)

Oh and before I go, I'd like to plug what I believe to be the best two albums of this summer. The first is Kylie Minogue's Aphrodite. Which is the best pop/dance album I've heard since The Fame Monster. Combining club beats with delicious hooks and notes that make you want to get down with your bad self, Minogue truly outdid herself.

Below is one of my favorite songs off of Aphrodite. Enjoy:

The second album is Night Work by the Scissor Sisters. Although quite similar to Minogue's album, Night Work (as the title may suggest is a tad...oh let's face it, A LOT naughtier) and draws from 70's funk music to present a unique pop/dance/disco fusion unlike anything you've likely ever heard. And although Night Work tends to be sex-heavy (though since when was that ever a problem?), it knows how campy and rather comical its being. And for that reason, the Scissor Sisters pulled off a fantastic, hip, and clever album.

Check out the new Scissor Sisters single "Any Which Way" below:

Check those two out albums if you're into dance/pop music as you probably won't be disappointed.

Well, that's all for today, keep checking back for upcoming posts! Take care peeps!


The Guy in the (Not-so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Ayayay!-des of March


Woops. It looks like Smokey and Ben (as well as my 3 awesome followers) have been sitting around waiting for me to put up a new post for a while now. Never fear, your consistently and handsomely late friend has returned! At least until I have a life again.

So what's been racking this old brain o' mine lately? Mostly LOST theories. Sprinkled with some pessimism and a healthy dose of Gaga (by the by, I hope you have all seen her latest glory of a video; I'll touch on it in a bit). I do have another juicy topic to discuss however, and that's this year's Academy Awards. I guess that's as good a starting point as any.

In a nutshell, the Academy awards were A.) Predictable, B.) Dull and C.) Disappointing. I was, however, pleased to see Christoph Waltz walk away with "Best Supporting Actor" (an award he deserved greatly). Speaking of which, please find Waltz's spectacular number on Jimmy Kimmel Live! attached below (I hope you enjoy it as much as I did). I was also ecstatic that Sandra Bullock received the Best Leading Actress award (Miss Congeniality finally got some much deserved love!).

Sadly, however, these victories were greatly diminished by the results of the writing and "Best Picture" categories. I thought that Up in the Air and Inglourious Basterds clearly deserved the best Adapted and Original Screenplay awards, respectively. But I still had hope as the awards began to wind down. After finally watching The Hurt Locker, I feel confident in saying that it did not deserve "Best Picture". Locker was a decent action movie at best (it is after all, just a series of bomb disarming scenes separated only by a few very contrived "bonding/psychological analysis" scenes). Accordingly, Bigelow did not deserve Best Director (she did a decent job but Cameron's 14-year devotion to Avatar, a picture that will forever shape the future of cinema, clearly deserved that one). Up in the Air was the most relevant and clever film of 2009 and it saddened me to see it lose to the likes of The Hurt Locker.

Now for some very mild controversy: I recently saw the new Polanski film, The Ghost Writer. I thought it was an extremely well crafted (and expertly written) labor of love that showcased some excellent performances (particularly those of Ewan McGregor and the wonderful Olivia Williams). In the traditional vain of Roman Polanski's films, Writer slowly builds up the tension as it approaches its brilliant climax and leaves you truly shaken.

Now before I start getting some heated comments along the lines of "you should not have seen that movie because it was directed by a child molester", I'll say this: judging it as a stand-alone picture, The Ghost Writer deserves every bit of high praise it has been receiving. And, if you ask me, I'd be willing to bet that there are thousands of unheard crimes much worse than Polanski's going in in Hollywood right now. Just because few are caught and accused, we should not assume that worse activities do not take place (some done by people we revere and love). Regardless, despite the controversy surrounding this film, I strongly recommend it to anyone who appreciates Polanski's mastery. He is, without a doubt, one of the father's of the modern-day thriller and The Ghost Writer is a testament to his skill and legacy.

I sincerely hope all of you have feasted your eyes (and ears) on the lovely queen of pop's new video (if not, it's posted below, be advised: it has some graphic content). To me, it's a mess––a beautiful mess––but a mess nonetheless. Although I personally don't think it bests the brilliance of "Bad Romance", I still appreciate its daring ideas and execution. My biggest fear regarding the video is that many people will simply overlook the mini-movie's many messages and think of it as cheap entertainment. That's why I'm including a link to a page that attempts to deconstruct and analyze the video for your reading and viewing pleasure.

Here's the link to the page that deconstructs the video:

Lastly, I would like to plug a very excellent new television show that premiered earlier this year. Caprica (my personal choice for best new show of the year) is a fantastic new show that deserves more viewers. Already a big Battlestar Galactica geek, I've felt like something was missing from my life ever since the glorious cylon saga ended. Thankfully, with the arrival of Caprica, I can once again sleep at night. Caprica is an excellently acted drama that serves as a precursor to the events that take place in Galactica. I recommend this amazing show to anyone who appreciates tense dramas with interesting and complex characters. Please check out Caprica on Syfy at 9PM EST on Fridays. It'll be worth it.

Well, I think I've said enough for today. It feels good to be back. Please feel free to leave me any comments or bash my opinions. Have a wonderful week people.

Do Work Son,

The Guy in the (not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's on, Taylor Swift!


Did anyone else watch the Grammy's last night? If you didn't, lucky you. If you did, then you must be feeling the same way as I am. Last night was a night of crime. Crimes committed include: treason, theft, and the very real possibility of *gasp* bribery! My lover Lady Gaga was robbed by a scrawny blond country fame-whore. Yeah, Swift, I'm talking about you. And Beyonce-"little-miss-thang"-Knowles strode her way through the evening acting as if she is the diva queen (a title that clearly belongs to you-know-who). While Gaga's performance was one for the Grammy books (not that that's saying a lot after witnessing the tragedy after tragedy that took place last night), it was the only brief spark of joy that I felt all throughout the evening.

I was already becoming disheartened when I witnessed Gaga lose to the likes of Beyonce but it wasn't just the big awards that were disappointing. There was injustice in the smallest of categories. The best new artist category, for example, left me with my jaw dropped. Not only was it criminal that Gaga was locked out of this category due to a previous songwriting nomination, but Zac Brown band winning?? Over MGMT? Really, Grammys? REALLY?? Smells like a country music takeover!!

Now for shout out time!

To Beyonce: Nice ass but keep the ego down a tad.

To the Grammys 2010: You can SUCK on it!

And finally to miss Swift: As Ludacris once put it: Move bitch, get out the way! Get out the way, bitch! Your reign of blond-curled terror is over! The time of Gaga begins now!!

Peace yo,

The Guy in the (not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

P.S. To Gaga: last night you were a true winner. Your fans (unlike Swift's) will never leave you! :)
P.S.S. To the readers: sorry for the pissy post. I felt the need to vent. Hope you enjoyed it. I promise tomorrow's will be more light-hearted.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friends, Family, Chelsea Handler and a Hospital Stint

I'd like to apologize for fibbing and avoiding (rather aggressively) my blogging duties to the three or four bored peeps that still keep up with my insane ramblings. Today, I'd like to take a step back and put up a journal-esque account of my final 2009 activities and some spillover into 2010. If you find it appealing, read on. If not, well there's always your right hand.

So to begin, I should say that I spent my Christmas vacation in the Caribbean and boy was it gorgeous and sunny. My recent lack of a farmer's tan should attest to that. While I was there I got together with my best friends and cousins and even went gambling for the first time (don't get too excited, I didn't win squat). I also developed an addiction to vanilla flan and fresh fruit punches (the freshly made Puerto Rican ones, not the shitty ones you get here in the states).

I even had a celebrity encounter (Perez Hilton eat your heart out!). I was in a hotel's mountain side lift with Chelsea Handler!! Now I know that that may not be too exciting for many but when you're a Bravo and E! whore like I am, its hard not to feel like you're going to pass out when you're standing two feet (literally!) away from someone like Ms. Handler. Alas, I sadly didn't work up the cojones to initiate a conversation about how much I love her and her show because somehow I figured that I might put a damper on her vacation (the woman was in a bikini and looked like she had just taken a swim). Catching a celebrity off-guard during a vacation is like petting a dog while it's trying to eat. You just don't do it because you know that there's a good chance you'll lose a finger. Or get your foot run-over (sorry Britney, I had to go there).

Regardless, I had a pretty enjoyable time. As for the return to winter-land, things could have gone somewhat more smoothly. After about 20 hours in the mainland, my family and I all started feeling a bit under the weather (so to speak). And after we each puked about 4 times each, we decided to go to the hospital. After puking my soul out (I lost track around 10) and being injected with a good 20 or so different IVs, I feel a lot better. Well, not THAT much better. I'm still so weak that the only kind of physical activity I can manage is typing this blog post. Gee, I guess that's why I finally put something new up. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me that it will f*ck my shit up if I don't blog more often. Or maybe I have some psycho reader who made a voodoo doll of me (a reader that cares? My life is complete!).

So...all in all, not a great way to kick off 2010 and the new decade. Here's hoping that things are gonna pick up soon. At least I can promise that I'll try to keep up with this blog. That's as close as I'm gonna get to a new year's resolution so I hope it's worth something. Have a great 2010, people!


The Guy in the (not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses