Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friends, Family, Chelsea Handler and a Hospital Stint

I'd like to apologize for fibbing and avoiding (rather aggressively) my blogging duties to the three or four bored peeps that still keep up with my insane ramblings. Today, I'd like to take a step back and put up a journal-esque account of my final 2009 activities and some spillover into 2010. If you find it appealing, read on. If not, well there's always your right hand.

So to begin, I should say that I spent my Christmas vacation in the Caribbean and boy was it gorgeous and sunny. My recent lack of a farmer's tan should attest to that. While I was there I got together with my best friends and cousins and even went gambling for the first time (don't get too excited, I didn't win squat). I also developed an addiction to vanilla flan and fresh fruit punches (the freshly made Puerto Rican ones, not the shitty ones you get here in the states).

I even had a celebrity encounter (Perez Hilton eat your heart out!). I was in a hotel's mountain side lift with Chelsea Handler!! Now I know that that may not be too exciting for many but when you're a Bravo and E! whore like I am, its hard not to feel like you're going to pass out when you're standing two feet (literally!) away from someone like Ms. Handler. Alas, I sadly didn't work up the cojones to initiate a conversation about how much I love her and her show because somehow I figured that I might put a damper on her vacation (the woman was in a bikini and looked like she had just taken a swim). Catching a celebrity off-guard during a vacation is like petting a dog while it's trying to eat. You just don't do it because you know that there's a good chance you'll lose a finger. Or get your foot run-over (sorry Britney, I had to go there).

Regardless, I had a pretty enjoyable time. As for the return to winter-land, things could have gone somewhat more smoothly. After about 20 hours in the mainland, my family and I all started feeling a bit under the weather (so to speak). And after we each puked about 4 times each, we decided to go to the hospital. After puking my soul out (I lost track around 10) and being injected with a good 20 or so different IVs, I feel a lot better. Well, not THAT much better. I'm still so weak that the only kind of physical activity I can manage is typing this blog post. Gee, I guess that's why I finally put something new up. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me that it will f*ck my shit up if I don't blog more often. Or maybe I have some psycho reader who made a voodoo doll of me (a reader that cares? My life is complete!).

So...all in all, not a great way to kick off 2010 and the new decade. Here's hoping that things are gonna pick up soon. At least I can promise that I'll try to keep up with this blog. That's as close as I'm gonna get to a new year's resolution so I hope it's worth something. Have a great 2010, people!


The Guy in the (not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

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