Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So Bad, It's Good


Today I'd like to talk about guilty pleasures. As you know, these can be applied to virtually any facet of everyday life. And let's be honest, nothing feels better than winding down after a long day by engaging in something you know is innately vapid but nevertheless makes you feel great.

For example, every time I hear Paris Hilton's "Nothing in this World" I can't help but feel a rush of inspiration. That said, the song itself is overproduced, simple-minded, and above all, super cheesy. But behind the pop beats and polished hotel-heiress-turned-porn-star vocals, there's a message. A message that breeds optimism and hope. And to me, that's just dandy. I even like the song's (ridiculous) music video (posted below). Sure, it may be about a creepy kid who seems to spend all of his time polishing the raised scepter of love (as Andy Botwin once said on Weeds) to pictures of Ms. Hilton. But damn, does it feel good to see him parade his sexy new babe in front of the cliché high school bullies he so desperately tries to outshine.

I guess my point is that sometimes all we need are a few pick-me-ups during the day. And these guilty pleasures soothe us when we need it. Take the film My Boss's Daughter. It's a d-movie crap-fest but it sure as hell is a riot. Every time I see it, I cry laughing. Why? Because it tries to be funny via the stupid express and succeeds in spades. Ashton Kutcher's pathetic office-drone character doesn't want you to contemplate why he continues to spawn disasters in the house he's meant to be taking care of. He just wants you to strap yourself in and have a great time laughing at the absurd situations that unfold. I mean, who doesn't like a cocaine-addicted owl named after a famous (alleged) murderer, Carmen Electra in a wet t-shirt, and a random yet hilarious bit about someone with a funny case of folliculitis (see: ass-cheek rashes)? I'm probably the only one. But, hey, that's alright with me.

So what's my take on guilty pleasures? Whether it be reality tv, comfort food, bad pop music, or the occassional trainwreck comedy that you seem to be the only fan of, I say "go for it." We live in a society that tells us what we should and shouldn't like. Guilty pleasures provide a deviation from this norm that we should embrace. Why would I make fun of your tacky 80's jacket when I can do worse? I have Lindsay Lohan songs on my ipod for Pete's sake.

What are your guilty pleasures?


The Guy in the (Not so) Horn-Rimmed Glasses

Questions? Concerns? Advice? Insults? Lay em' on me!

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